8th December 2021
Dear Parents,
As you will be aware, Parent/Teacher meetings for third year students will proceed online via your son/daughter’s Teams platform tomorrow, Thursday 9th of December from 1630-1830.
Based on the survey data that you have returned, teachers are scheduling these meetings according to a timetable. If these meetings are not showing up in the Teams Calendar you may need to ask your son/daughter to log into their school email (portal.office.com and choose Outlook) and accept any meeting invites in order to see the full schedule.
Each meeting is five minutes in length. In the interests of fairness to everyone concerned, each meeting must start and end on time. If it is felt that additional time is required please make the teacher aware of this and an alternate day and time can be agreed.
To join a meeting, click ‘Join Meeting’. During the meeting Parents are asked to ensure their microphone is unmuted. It is at your own discretion to utilise the camera function. It will be helpful for the smooth running of the meetings if you are in a suitable environment free from background noise.
If joining on a computer these are the required options.

These settings can be adjusted in the meeting also:

If joining on a mobile device the screen may appear slightly differently but the same options will be provided, as follows:

If there are technical issues in joining a meeting, teachers have been asked to attempt to call directly over Teams as a contingency.
Mr Power